Gerald Ames for Town Council

Hey there, folks! I'm Gerald Ames, the assistant librarian at the Question Mark Public Library, and I'm running for Town Council. I may not be a fancy politician, but I've got a vision for the future that's as clear as the words in a beloved book.

A Vision for the Future

I believe in a future where our town thrives with the power of books, computers, and the internet. These aren't just tools; they're the keys to unlocking a world of possibilities. Together, we can use them to solve a lot of our problems right here in town.

What am I For and Against?

For: Books, Computers, and the Internet

I'm all in for books, computers, and the internet. They're not just sources of knowledge; they're bridges to a brighter tomorrow. Let's expand our library, improve our digital access, and connect our community like never before.

Against: Recent Disappearances and Murder

I share your concerns about the recent disappearances and crime in our town. Let's make safety a priority by working together to support our local law enforcement and community watch programs. A safer town is a better town.

For: Funny Pets

Laughter is the best medicine, and so are funny pets! I'm all for promoting pet-friendly policies and supporting initiatives to bring joy and companionship to our community. Happy pets make for happier people. Take it from me!

Here's my cat Constable Odo having a great laugh

Against: Using Scientific Anomalies as Tourism

Our town is home to many incredible natural wonders and scientific oddities. While we appreciate the curiosity and fascination they generate, I'm against exploiting these phenomena as mere tourist attractions. We should respect and protect the unique character of our town.

Let's Make This Town Exciting but Safe

Together, we can make this town an exciting but safe place to live. With your support and my dedication, we'll tackle our challenges and build a better tomorrow for everyone.

Independent and Proud

I'm running as an independent candidate, free from the influence of political parties. My loyalty is to you, the people of Question Mark, and I'm here to represent your interests.

On November 7 Vote For Me

Let's work together to create a town we can all be proud of. Join me in this journey to a brighter, friendlier, and safer future for our community. Your support matters, so let's make our vision for Question Mark a reality.

Paid for by Gerald Ames